Collezione di oltre 5500 icone uniche dallaspetto rettangolare
Recticons Icon Pack is a collection of a unique rectangular shape with little bit touch of gradients. If you really looking for a most stylish icon pack. you should go with this one. nnComplement your mobile screen with exclusive rectangle looking themed Icons. Each icon is a real masterpiece and designed in order to create a perfect and pure professional look. Recticons Icon Pack have been designed with a Perfect blend of creativity with simplicity enhancing your mobile experience.nnAnd do you know? nAn average user checks their device more than a 50 times in a day. make each time a real pleasure with this rectangular icons.nnTheres always something new:nRecticons Icon pack is still new. This explains why there arent a lot of icons present at this very moment.but I can assure you to add lot more icons in every update.nnFEATURESn• Icon Pack with 5600+ icons. (more icons will be added with each updates)n• Perfect looking rectangle Mask for unthemed iconn• Creative Colors with light gradientsn• Category-based Icons Gridn• Lots of alternative icons to make customization to the next level.n• 80 Ultra HD Wallpapers (more wallpapers will be added)n• Icon preview and search.n• Slick Material Dashboard.n• Custom folder iconsn• Custom app drawer icons.n• Easy Icon Requestn• FAQ section with search optionn• Suppport Muzei Live WallpapernnDISCLAIMERn• A supported launcher is required to use this icon pack! n• FAQ section inside the app which answers a lot of questions you may have.Please read it before you emailing your question. nnIcon Pack Supported Launchers nAction LaunchernADW LaunchernApex LaunchernAtom LaunchernAviate LaunchernCM Theme EnginenGO LaunchernHolo LaunchernHolo Launcher HDnLG HomenLucid LaunchernM LaunchernMini LaunchernNext LaunchernNougat LaunchernNova LaunchernSmart LaunchernSolo LaunchernV LaunchernZenUI LaunchernZero LaunchernABC LaunchernEvie LaunchernnIcon Pack Supported Launchers not Included in Apply SectionnArrow LaunchernASAP LaunchernCobo LaunchernLine LaunchernMesh LaunchernPeek LaunchernZ LaunchernLaunch by Quixey LauncherniTop LaunchernKK LaunchernMN LaunchernNew LaunchernS LaunchernOpen LaunchernFlick LaunchernnThis icon pack has been tested, and it works with these launchers. However, it may also work with others too.In case you do not found an apply section in dashboard. You can apply icon pack from a theme setting.nnExtra Notesn• Google Now Launcher do not support any icon packs. n• Missing an Icon? feel free to send me an icon request and I will try to update this pack with your requests.n• FOR LG USERS: LG HOME With latest update LG HOME does not support icon pack on some devices. We are still working on it may be it will work in a upcoming release. so in a mean time you have to use a launcher on LG devices.nnContactnGoogle+: :
[email protected]• Dani Mahardhika for providing such a great dashboard.